The Mysterians (1957)

The_Mysterians_(1957)‘The Greatest Science-Fiction Picture Ever Conceived By the Mind of Man’.

Aliens from the Planet Mysteroid land on the slopes of Mount Fuji, demand some land and five Earth women. At the same time, a strange giant bird like robot wreaks havoc on a neighbouring town.

Toho Studios were riding the crest of a wave in the late 1950s. ‘Godzilla’ (1954) had been a massive domestic and international hit and their output was guaranteed U.S. distribution. So the alien invasion of Japan was inevitable.

It takes the form of ‘The Mysterians’ (1957) – humanoid aliens who bear more than a slight resemblance to the ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ with their motorcycle helmets and one piece coloured jumpsuits. They boast an arsenal of weapons which includes the giant robot bird (surprise!) and lots of deadly rays. And boy do they like firing them! And once the human authorities bring up their own version, we are treated to a barrage of firing that become somewhat less than thrilling after half an hour or so.

The theme of this year's fancy dress contest had proved to be rather uninspiring...

The theme of this year’s fancy dress contest had proved to be rather uninspiring…

To be fair, the model work is actually some of the studio’s best and the crowd scenes are well managed and look expensive but the human drama is dull and lifeless. What little there is features one of the principals siding with the Mysterians because of their superior technology. Apparently, we are supposed to care about this after his brief appearance as a sulky scientist at the start of the picture.

Ishirô Honda was a serious film maker. ‘Godzilla’ (1954) was an allegory about the A-Bomb and ‘Matango, Fungus of Terror’ (1963) a meditation on the human condition (yes, it really was!) So what did Mr Honda have to say this time out? Well, not a lot really, just some stuff at the end about over reliance on technology. Basically, the aliens have lost their ability to relate emotionally. It’s a valid message but it feels like an afterthought.

It should have been a lock really – Toho vs Aliens in a thrilling smackdown – but in the end, without much of the usual monster mash, this is not much more than a forgettable no-score draw.

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